Privacy Policy
H2 ERA Company Website Copyright Statement
To prevent the contents published on the website of Beijing Hydrogen Era Technology Co., Ltd. (“H2 ERA”) including text, images, audio and video and code from further copyright disputes, we’d like to state our copyright position of website content as follows,
- The copyright of the webpage is owned by H2 ERA website and its sub-website. It is prohibited to take the webpage and its format from H2 ERA website and its sub-website for commercial use without any written approval from H2 ERA.
- The proprietary rights of the original text, code, icon of this website and sub-website is owned by H2 ERA and no individual or institution shall quote, copy, reproduce, extract and compile or in any manner use the material without prior written permission of H2 ERA.
- The copyright of the quoted web resources, code, images, text belongs to the quoted website and the point of view of quoted text and content doesn’t stand for our point of view. H2 ERA shall not be liable for any issue and legal obligation arising from the abovementioned quotations.
- All images and articles of this website shall not be reproduced without prior written permission of H2 ERA.
- Generally, copyrights of all text, images, audio and video, without indicating the sources where they are reproduced, all belong to H2 ERA. It is not permitted for any media, website or individual to reproduce, link, repost or in any other manner to copy and publish our content without prior written permission of H2 ERA. Any media or website shall indicate “Source: Beijing Hydrogen Era Technology Co., Ltd.”while downloading and using the contents on this website after permission. Without this written permission, H2 ERA shall take legal action according to the law.
If any materials, images, or articles published by H2 ERA causes copyright dispute, the author can contact us through the contact info such as phone number or emails on our website within two weeks or he or she will be deemed to have accepted our statement.